
Every Spring we raise a breed of chickens called Cornish Cross. These birds grow at a rapid rate and are the perfect bird for us to raise for a healthy and delicious product. We raise our birds from chick to butcher day, here on the farm.

3 Day Old Chicks

The first 2-3 weeks (weather dependent) the chicks are kept in our shed with heat lamps to help regulate their body temperature. At this time they are fed a sole ration of natural, no hormones added, high protein feed to help them get started off right. We also provide the chicks with a water soluble vitamin and mineral supplement to keep them healthy and strong.

One month old meat birds on pasture

After 2-3 weeks, they then go onto fresh pasture in portable chicken coops where they can graze all day long. We move the coops once a day onto fresh grass so the birds are constantly getting new foraging material. At 8 weeks old we butcher the chickens and they are ready for your ovens or freezers that same day!

Our chickens are packaged whole, in shrink wrap bags that help prevent freezer burn and guarantee freshness for up to a year in a deep freezer. The finished birds weigh between 5-7 pounds and are the perfect protein for any meal. These birds are bought up quickly, so if you are interested in buying some please Contact Us and reserve some today!

5 meals from one chicken!

(Don’t forget to make this Crock-pot Chicken Stock – It’s a game changer!)

  1. Roast Chicken with Roasted Potatoes & Asparagus
  2. Spicy Chicken and Bacon Mac
  3. Muffin-tin Chicken Pot Pies
  4. Classic Chicken and Noodle Soup (using homemade stock)
  5. Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Frittata
Prepping chickens for the oven