
We bought our first cows in 2010 and had little idea at the time where those few cows would take us. These “first cattle” were longhorns and although we no longer raise that breed for meat purposes, they taught us so much about raising and managing a cattle herd.

Benefits of Grass Fed Beef:
  • Grass-fed, pasture raised beef has less total fat.
  • Animals that are grass-fed and pasture raised their entire life are generally a healthier animal.
  • Grass-fed beef is one of the finest natural sources of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a somewhat rare fatty acid that possesses numerous health benefits.
  • Grass-fed beef has as much as five times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids as regular grain fed beef.
  • Grass-fed beef is known to have higher levels of antioxidants and vitamins A and E.

We raise grass fed beef from birth to ensure they are not given hormones, antibiotics or fed grain. Our animals eat a fresh salad bar each day in the grass growing season and eat dried grass (hay) in the winter. Our animals are processed at 2 years of age. Wholesale (whole, half or quarter) beef is typically only available twice per year, in early summer or late fall. More information can be found about the wholesale process on our Beef Processing page. We do require deposits to hold your spot for the upcoming beef. Head over to our Contact Us page to ask any questions or put a deposit down today!

Buying beef in bulk can help your wallet more than you might think. $3.50/lb hanging weight seems high if you just think of ground beef but that also includes your roasts, porterhouse steaks, filet mignon, etc. Buying a 1/4 of a steer will give you a variety of cuts and maybe some that you haven’t tried cooking with before. I promise that you will be pleasantly surprised!